by on February 24, 2024
The Haitian phrase "Sak pase, nap boule" originated from Haiti and is commonly used in Haitian Creole. It is a greeting that translates to "What's up, we're burning" in English. The phrase originated during the time of slavery in Haiti. Enslaved Africans used it as a secret code to communicate their resistance against the oppressive conditions they were facing. "Sak pase" is derived from the French phrase "Qu'est-ce qui se passe?" which means "What's happening?" or "What's going on?" In respons...
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by on May 19, 2023
Searching for employment can be a challenging task, especially in a country like Haiti, with its unique socio-economic circumstances. The job market in Haiti presents its own set of complexities and limitations. However, with a strategic and informed approach, it is possible to navigate through these challenges and find employment opportunities. In this guide, we will explore practical avenues to explore, online resources, networking strategies, and government initiatives that can provide some a...
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