on June 14, 2022
Self-massage is a very important method in the treatment and prevention of any type of headache. There are many types of head self-massage, but all of them provide care and delicacy of performing the procedure, combining it with relaxation, and ideally with visualization. By performing a head massage, one must learn to breathe calmly, maintain a state of relaxation, and to mentally "see" how the brain vessels under the influence of training return to normal, restoring the lost tone.
It’s not bad to imagine that the increased tone of the cervical muscles, on the contrary, weakened as a result of your efforts. In a word, a quality head self-massage is an art that, with desire, persistence and patience, can become the property of anyone suffering from headaches.
After self-massage, headache reduces or completely disappears, mood improves, performance and self-confidence appear. Self-massage of the head normalizes the tone of not only skin vessels, but also of many brain vessels, thus improving its nutrition.
In addition, it should be noted that the numerous BATs located in the area of the head under the influence of self-massage dramatically activate their activity, which means that the subordinate functions of the body also activate their work. High-quality self-massage improves a person's thinking abilities and strengthens his memory.
Hand movements during self-massage of the head should be light, delicate, not shifting the skin. It is desirable that the massaging hand penetrates as low as possible beyond the neck to the shoulders when moving down.
Persistent headaches are recommended to have self-massage several times a day, but its effect will be even greater if performed before a complex of exercise with prolonged “warm” exhale.
To finish the suggested head self-massage, you should use a mechanical impact on BAT, the location of which is easy to remember by looking at the pictures.
1. Have a seat at the table. Bend your right hand and lean your elbow on the table. Over the right shoulder, put your left hand behind your head, supporting it with the brush of your right hand. Perform superficial stroking from the back of the neck down to the shoulder joint (rice. 2 ). Step up after 5 petting. Turn your head the other way around. Perform 7 times, then repeat with the opposite hand. It is not unnecessary to note that the massaging movement should be delicate and preferably long - the palm involved should go much lower than the neck, distracting blood there, contributing to relaxation not only the muscles of this area, but also the smooth muscle the hours of the vessels.
2. Make rotating, massaging movements with finger pads in the same directions (rice. 3 ). Trying not to hide my skin. Repeat 7 times over .
3. "Hair Combing": one hand combs hair forward, the other - backwards (rice. 4 ). Repeat 7 times over . With long hair, it makes sense to carry out deep movements, penetrating finger pads deep. With short hair, it is easier: you can rub the heat coming from the hand into the skin as much as possible. Performing this movement properly improves the blood supply of this area of the head and the vascular skin tone. 4. Perform massaging movements from the outer corners of the eyes to the back of the nape and then down to the neck (figure. 5 ). Trying to lower your palms as low as possible is to distract blood to the neck area. Repeat 7 times over . Trying to make the palm slide easily, without tension. Exercise normalizes blood flow and vascular tone.
5. Apply a light stroke behind the ear from top to down in the circumference of up to 5 centimeters with two finger pads and immediately perform a circular spread - the finger pads must make small rotational movements (figure. 6 ). Repeat 7 times over . Attention! The skin should not shift, and the glide should be smooth, gentle.
6. Perform stroking of the back of the back area with finger pads and followed by rotary stretching movements. Fingers slide from the dark to the back of the neck and back (rice. 7 ). Repeat 7 times (perform 7 petting-stretches and then proceed to circular motions). Finger pads do not shift the skin, they slip easily, the palms are relaxed.
7. Perform forehead strokes from the carrier (vertical movements) to the hair with the pads of both hands and then perform rotating, spreading motions (rice. 8 ). Repeat 7 times a day.
Attention! Skin shifting must not be allowed. Fingers are relaxed, tender. After a high-quality exercise in the forehead area, there is a feeling of slight coolness.
8. Perform stroking the forehead with the fingers of both hands in a horizontal direction from the middle to the whiskey. Perform circular stretches in the same directions (rice. 9 ). Repeat 7 times over and over. The requirements for performing the exercise are the same: delicacy, skin displacement. Proper exercise normalizes the vascular tone in the forehead area, providing a sense of comfort. 9. With the tips of your middle fingers, carefully stroke under the right and left eye from the outer corner to the inner corner. Then with two fingers - the index finger and the middle one (one under and the other above the eyebrow) - return to the outer corner of the eye (rice. 10 ). Repeat 7 times over . Delicacy is extremely important in this exercise - your fingers should glide on the skin gently, carefully without replacing it. Very often after it is done, the pain in the eye apples decreases, due to improvement in the tone of the vessels in this area, there is a feeling of peace.
10. Repeat exercise 3rd and 4th.
11. Place your fingers on the subject and advance towards the ears and neck, making short stretches straight: up and down. ( picture ) 11). Then, perform circular stretches in the same direction. Make it 7 times a go.
Immediately stretch and shift the skin on all areas of the head after washing. At first, it is easy to tighten (wrinkle) the skin of the dark area, then of the back and high areas. Further, in the same sequence, stretch the skin. Repeat pulling and stretching 7 times.
Rice. 11. Reversible movements from the dark to the ears and neck
12. It should be immediately noted that the point massage of biologically active points is an effective manipulation, after which very often the head becomes clear and comfortable. First, in a certain sequence, pressures on 4 points around the mouth should be made, helping to relax the muscles of the whole body. Two points are at the opposite corners of the mouth, the other two are strictly above the middle of the red edge of the upper and lower lips (rice. 12 ).
Rice. 12. Bioactive points that help to relax
You should click on these points for 2-3 seconds: start with the first, after 5-second breaks press on the second and finally the third and fourth simultaneously. Pressure pressure - to mild pain. Then, massage the anti-stress point located in the dimple under the chin (rice. 13 ). The duration of the pressure is 3 seconds, and the strength is also up to mild pain. Anti-stress point helps to relieve psycho-emotional excitement.
So, self-massage with AL stimulation can be recommended to people suffering from headaches, regardless of age. These simple actions improve your overall well-being, reduce headaches, and prepare the body for the work ahead. But it's not a panacea. Headache treatment should only be complex. Self-massage can be performed several times a day, especially if the headache is chronic.
Some patients before self-massage are helped by a little training - "writing" the letters of the alphabet with the tip of the nose. That is, you need to "write" the letter "a", then "b", and so on. d. You can start with a few letters, gradually increasing their number.
Exercise is very useful for those who have problems in the cervical spine and which, of course, can activate the code of headaches. To perform while sitting down
"Headaches. How do you win ? ", N. The Avenger
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